Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 1 of Living with GD

Today I went to see the counselor they gave me a boat load of papers to read went over all the do's and dont's for the mist part but I have to go back and meet with the Nutritionist tomorrow who will put together my calorie intake, how many allowable carbs etc....

I got my Glucometer and was shown how to do it. We did my first test in the office at 1:25pm which was 3 hours after I ate a bowl of Rice Crispies my number was 115 which she stated was too high I should be at a fasting number at that point which is under 90


"Eat your lunch and from the moment of your first bit note the time and test 2 hours later your number should not be over 120" she tells me

Afraid to eat! What do I eat?? sooo hungry but have a 40 min drive home. Oh well lets see what I can do at McDonalds

I order a cheeseburger, small fry and Fruit Walnut Salad
I have water Bottle with me.....fries just arent the same without soda or tea!

First Bite 1:55pm

I eat the cheeseburger, fries and half of the fruit and walnut salad

Second test 3:55pm I can do this laid everything out am ready to go

Placed the blood on the strip BEEP
a few seconds later my number is......120! Whew! Just made it on that one.

But now its time for a snack.....UGH! Another thing to find and not really want
Cucumber Salad it is.....sure wish it was some chips!

2 more hours til dinner and 4 more til I have to test again.....til then

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