Thursday, September 10, 2009

Got the Call!

So I had the dreaded 3 hour Glucose tolerance test on Friday September 4th 2009
During and After the test I was sooo sick I was lethargic, dizzy, and did not want to eat

Yesterday, I Got the Call!
"Hi Ms Anderson its Rita from the Doctors office I have your results of your Glucose and Unfortunately..."

"Stop right there" I said "dont tell me!"

"I am sorry but you failed"Rita says

I asked her for my numbers and they were as follows:

Fasting 88
1 hour 181 (fail)
2 hour 116
3 hour 146 (fail)

"Because you failed 2 out of 4 you must now go to the Diabetic Counselor and Nutritionist.
They will guide you on diet, using the glucometer etc...."

I said "Wait you mean I have to stick myself?"

Rita says "Yes unfortunately, if they dont call you by the end of today call me in the morning because you need to be seen right away"

I said "Ok great thanks for calling"

Of course I then start googling everything I could find on Gestational Diabetes and found that there can be some serious consequences if I can keep this controlled for both me and my Baby Girl.

Some of what I found is below:

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